All Saints'
One of the subjects I've been most interested in drawing since moving to Greenwich is All Saint's Church in Blackheath. It's on the southern side of Blackheath which is just south of Greenwich park. When you leave the park, you're on a hill looking down at the church, surrounded by the flat grass of the heath. I love the spaciousness of it, even though the view isn't particularly beautiful and there's a busy road cutting through it. You can see some of the neighbouring hills in the distance and there are no trees or other obstacles in the way. It makes me feel free and being there makes it easier to have expansive thoughts.
I'm very happy with this drawing and keen to go back and try again. I spent about half an hour on a bench there drawing and finished it just now back in my room. One thing I like to do when I've taken a picture of what I'm drawing is to overlay my drawing onto my screen at the end to see how well I did (although the temptation is always there to do it before the end).
Here's a picture of the original:

Another church I'd like to draw sometime is All Souls Church near Oxford Circus. I used to take the bus there quite often for a year during my undergrad and I remember being captivated by the round entrance. Maybe I'll go into the city one of these days and complete the set.