Back At The London Fine Art Studios

Another season, another term! Since I'm only doing half days, I'm doing the second foundation course this term (I think people who stay all day can do it all in one term). Only two of my coursemates from foundation one came back with two new students, one of which did the first foundation course two years ago. Lots of new students in the foundation one course, though. The room where these foundation courses happen is split in two and I was in the half with all the new students because I needed a hook on the wall to hang my cast.

From what I gathered last term, the second foundation course is much less structured than the first and we're expected to pick from the things we learned before to get some additional practice. I'm not in a rush to get back to oil painting and will stay with charcoal for at least the first few weeks. That's because I feel like all the stuff I need to practice to improve my charcoal drawings I also need for oil painting yet I don't need to deal with all the additional complexity like mixing colour and handling paint.

I was pretty rusty today so I might do some Bargues next week to get some additional practice in. That's a practice I've been meaning to develop anyway so hopefully being back at the LFAS will give me additional motivation.