

These are some of the things that I struggle with when painting:

  • Mixing the right colors. I often don't know where to start when looking at a color in the world that I need to mix from the colors on my palette.
  • Perspective. Especially round things.
  • Managing paint on my brush. I have a feeling I wipe my brush way too often and I don't need to be nearly as nervous about contaminating my paints with other colors. I've seen palettes of other artists online and they look much, much dirtier than mine.
  • Volume: giving things a three dimensional appearance.

I started reading How to see it, how to draw it today to hopefully help with the perspective part. I also made a new viewfinder with a grid that I can use to transfer a tracing from the viewfinder to my sketchbook. Once I've experimented with that a little more you can expect a post on it.

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