Getting Good At Bargue (In 3 Months)

Getting Good At Bargue (In 3 Months)

Recently, I've become dissatisfied with my lack of progress. I haven't been spending a lot of time drawing which has made it difficult to sustain excitement and motivation.

That's why I've decided it's time for a more ambitious goal: I want to get good at drawing Bargue plates and I want to do it in three months. In case you're unfamiliar: Bargue was a French painter who made a set of plates that make up a drawing course. The way you study them is by copying. The ones that seem to be in use are drawings of antique casts such as the ones you can see above.

I'm picking this as my goal because it seems more well-defined and constrained than something like "get good at drawing faces". There is a lot of instructional material on Bargue on the internet and the London Fine Art Studios course I do on Saturdays, while not following Bargue specifically, gives me a chance to ask experienced instructors for feedback and help on this style of drawing.

I have some thoughts on how to go about this but I want to spend a week or two experimenting before I write another blog post.

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