Lily By The Wayside
I spotted this car on my way evening walk today and immediately saw a chance to use my new cobalt turqoise! I like the loose lines, I got a little impatient painting and just started throwing it together but it came out looking great I think. While I was painting, an elderly gentleman approached me, curious to see what I was sketching. I mentioned that I recently started to urban sketch, he was an artist too and encouraged me to keep going by saying "it keeps you sane".
Before the car, I painted this lily that was growing in somebodies entrance. I think the woman living in the house was a little concerned as she kept peeking out the window suspiciously but I managed to point at the flower and my paint set which put her at ease. It looked very much like this was growing wild which I find amazing to see.

I'm happy with the overall shapes and the colours too but I wish I could depict the inner structure of the leaves a little more accurately. One problem I still have is that I misjudge how much water I need, so sometimes my brush is too wet and I deposit a big drop of paint when all I want to do is draw a thin line (you can see this on the leaf on the bottom left). Probably something that'll get easier over time. Also, since I've been using smaller sketchbooks lately (12 by 20 cm or so), my no. 6 brush often feels a little big.
Finally, I got a set of white gel pens today that I've been waiting for to finish this painting of a nice ad on the tube:

The perspective isn't very accurate in this painting but I liked how the hand turned out and I'm fairly happy with the other colors too.