I'm in New York for a week to attend a work conference. Naturally, I brought some drawing utensils to capture what I see. The drawing above was made with a pencil and my two watercolour pens. They've become my favourite pens to draw with and the ones I feel most comfortable with. This drawing was made by copying a photo I'd taken earlier in the day, I felt too self-conscious drawing on the island with people around.
Below are a few more attempts. The one on the left was my first, I was originally planning to only use my 0.3mm mechanical pencil and cross-hatch for value. Unfortunately, I got drawn into detail as soon as I started drawing the torch. The fineness of that lead makes me want to go for detail immediately. The drawing in the middle was made with conté drawing pencil in sanguine and white. Pretty happy with that one too even though I was struggling against the dullness of the tip of the pencil. Next time I use these pencils I'll try to lean into value more and try smudging a little more. The one on the right was an attempt with watercolour. The small size probably didn't help but even at larger sizes, I still find watercolours by far the hardest medium. Maybe once I grow bored of my watercolour pens, I'll try to ease into it with india ink.

To close, a drawing of Brooklyn Bridge, this one made on location: