Remaining Life Drawings
Lots of things happening but no time to blog! Emma and I saw "Mixing It Up" at the Hayward Gallery which was fascinating and sparked some inspiration. We also saw the Richter exhibition there, I wonder how he made those ink drawings. Unfortunately, the companion book to the exhibition wasn't very informative.
Below are some drawings from life drawing two weeks ago.

This one is from Monday, the last class of the term:

I think that might be my best one so far, I like the values of the mattress and the model's body, how the sheet turned out and the perspective of everything.
Finally, the last painting from the LFAS foundation class I made last Saturday:

I'm very satisfied with this one too. Really helped to be made to finish it, even when it seemed like a lost cause to me.
This will have to do for now, things are clearing up and most of December should be pretty free for me.