Hey, sorry for not having posted in a while. The truth is, I've been struggling quite a bit with my drawing practice lately. Whenever I go outside with a sketchbook and try to draw the things I see, I quickly feel lost and unsure how to proceed. Things are usually better in class when I'm forced to persevere for 2 1/2h and can't give up so quickly.
I think the truth is that if I could find a way to draw consistently, I would make progress, even if the individual drawings sometimes feel like failures. It's just hard to sustain sufficient motivation.
Last year, I didn't feel this way most of the time, although my practice has always been fairly inconsistent, perhaps for similar reasons even back then. Maybe it's because I've been trying to be representational in my drawings and failure is more obvious that way.
For the last two weeks, I've been thinking about how I could reframe drawing as something more playful and experimental. If my ego could get out of the way and I could accept every drawing as a natural and necessary step on my path, I believe this problem would disappear. That's because while I'm doing it, drawing usually feels fun. So far, I haven't had much success but I'll report back on these efforts as soon as there have been any new developments.
Since these things have been on my mind so much, I let some significant dates pass without blogging, such as the 1 year anniversary of drawing the stones! I published the first post exactly one year and one month ago. I'm proud of what I have created and I often look at the posts that I wrote during this year.
Thanks for your readership! As soon as all this is back on track, I want to start sending out regular weekly newsletters.